Building Intelligent Data Warehouses: AI and Machine Learning Techniques for Enhanced Data Management and Analytics


  • Sareen Kumar Rachakatla Lead Developer, Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc., Atlanta, USA Author
  • Prabu Ravichandran Sr. Data Architect, Amazon Web services, Inc., Raleigh, USA Author
  • Jeshwanth Reddy Machireddy Sr. Software Developer, Kforce INC, Wisconsin, USA Author


Intelligent data warehouses, artificial intelligence, machine learning


Intelligent data warehouses enhance analytics and management. This research analyzes how AI and ML may improve data management and intelligent data warehouses. Data-driven decision-making is faster and more accurate with an intelligent data warehouse that adapts to shifting data demands and complex analytical queries. 

Intelligent data warehouse architecture frameworks are investigated first. AI/ML automate data integration, filtering, and transformation. They guarantee data quality and analytical dependability. This article discusses how NLP and neural networks speed up data processing. These technologies may improve intelligent data warehouse data management and operational efficiency, allowing sophisticated analytics. 


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How to Cite

Sareen Kumar Rachakatla, Prabu Ravichandran, and Jeshwanth Reddy Machireddy, “Building Intelligent Data Warehouses: AI and Machine Learning Techniques for Enhanced Data Management and Analytics”, Journal of AI in Healthcare and Medicine, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 142–167, Jul. 2022, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: